Navigating Conflict: Building Resilience for Your Working Relationships
to Oct 30

Navigating Conflict: Building Resilience for Your Working Relationships

Are you ready to dedicate some attention to a fresh approach to your working relationships?

In this 8-week online workshop, we will cultivate our capacity to connect with ourselves and others, practice nonviolent communication skills, and develop conflict resilience in our work with others.

*Details on fees, sliding scale, and scholarship options can be found here.*

When we pour ourselves into work we care about, we want to know it matters. We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. How disheartening, exhausting, and frustrating it is to see our hard work fall short as conflict slows down the momentum of our work or, worse yet, leads us to step away from collaborative efforts. 

And yet, tensions will arise in our working relationships. Think about the relationships most important to you: are any of them devoid of tension? The problem with tension is not that it exists but that the legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and scarcity to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to find learning and growth in the conflict that inevitably arises in big or small ways.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection and build our capacity to relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully and authentically to our work in the world. As we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another as we work together to build the world we long for.

During this 8-week, online workshop, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your work and life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with another participant for practice in between sessions. Because a shared experience with colleagues can make it easier to bring this language and these skills into your working relationships, we encourage you to sign up with one or more of the people you work with! This course will support you, and the colleagues and collaborators who join you, to:

  • Understand empathy: what is it and why does it matter in working relationships? How can I listen with empathy and compassion, with others and with myself?

  • Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice 

  • Grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you

  • Develop an awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language – including “feelings” and “needs” – and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works

  • Prepare for difficult conversations, and have more tools for “clean up” afterwards

  • Foster connection while maintaining personal authenticity

  • Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination

  • Develop an empathetic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration

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Navigating Feedback: Deepening Collaboration in the Conversations We Need
to Dec 17

Navigating Feedback: Deepening Collaboration in the Conversations We Need

Imagine you are supported to approach conversations you usually dread feeling grounded, clear, confident and compassionate.

This 5-session online workshop is focused on deepening collaboration in feedback conversations with practical guidance for how we can prepare and communicate in ways that are rooted in empathy for ourselves and others.

*Details on fees, sliding scale, and scholarship options can be found here.*

A conversation between you and your collaborator is looming. They’ve initiated it, and you’re dreading it. Or maybe you have some things to say, and you waver between wanting to give them a piece of your mind and wanting to just avoid it, pretending it’s no big deal. When we’re working with others, it is important to make space for feedback that strengthens both our shared work and our relationships. Often, we shy away from engaging if feedback isn’t 100% positive. It can be fraught. But there are ways of navigating feedback that hold the promise of growth, insight, and greater trust and connection. And not only that: we believe that learning and practicing skills and tools that tap into the generative potential of the tension that arises when we work together is essential to a Just Transition to systems centered on economic and social well-being and governed by deep democracy.

So what helps us access the transformative potential feedback can hold? 

During this 5-session, online workshop, we will explore practical strategies for navigating needed feedback conversations through the framework of the Feedback Spiral. The image of the spiral will remind us both that the process of feedback can be iterative and cyclical, as well as transformative and collaborative (vs. unilateral). 

What new insight might come as we move through the spiral that can help us find movement and hope in the stuck places?

Each session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your work and life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with another participant for practice in between sessions. Because a shared experience with colleagues can make it easier to bring this language and these skills into your working relationships, we encourage you to sign up with one or more of the people you work with! 

Through engagement with the Feedback Spiral, this course will support you, and the colleagues and collaborators who join you, to move through a series of replicable steps to help you prepare for offering as well as responding to offers of feedback.

The Feedback Spiral supports us to:

  • Understand empathy as a foundational posture and practice: what is it and why does it matter in navigating feedback? How can I regularly come back to empathy as a resource for needed conversations?

  • Connect to purpose: why does this conversation matter?

  • Observe and analyze power dynamics at play and lean into the responsibilities and growth edges of your positionality

  • Grow your capacity to distinguish between what happened and the meaning you’re making about it

  • Lean into taking accountability: how can I own what’s mine when there’s tension?

  • Make clearer, more doable requests, that consider more of the needs on the table, in service of having more effective agreements and strategies to tend to tensions

  • Grow your capacity to tune into the body as an important source of information, while also developing practices to stay more centered under pressure

  • Work with your defensiveness and learn to meaningfully integrate feedback

  • Develop an empathetic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in navigating feedback

Session 5 will be a one hour Bonus Session co-facilitated by Nicole Bauman and GWI workers, beginning to explore institutional applications (how can your group or org integrate more liberatory and collaborative feedback practices, policies and culture) as well as starter resources for tending to feedback conversations when harm has been done.

This workshop series complements Navigating Conflict: Building Resilience for Your Working Relationships by delving deeper into applying nonviolent communication skills to feedback conversations. If you’ve participated in that workshop, the focus on feedback in this series will bring in new material alongside a refresher on the concepts and practices of Navigating Conflict. Because this series will include a condensed introduction to nonviolent communication, Navigating Conflict is not a prerequisite. At the same time, we encourage you to consider joining us in September for Navigating Conflict to strengthen your understanding and experience with this conflict resilience paradigm and practice! 

Four 2-hour sessions on Tuesdays (11/19, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10), 11:30 am - 1:30 pm EST

One 1-hour bonus session on the final Tuesday (12/17), 11:30 am - 12:30 pm EST

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Weaving New Ritual
to Nov 16

Weaving New Ritual

A year long community of practice for White people with Christian lineage to reclaim ritual fluency using the wheel of the year as our guide.

Do you feel like you live in a void of spiritual or cultural identity?

White Christian descendants often leave behind their family’s religious roots and reach for yoga, Buddhism, community organizing or rich cultural traditions like Día de los Muertos to fill this void, and to distance ourselves from the violence of our own lineage.

But this can leave us feeling rootless. These are life-affirming lineages, practices and rituals that honor ancestors, honor the body, and make meaning of the world around us. But they are not of our people, and they don’t account for the legacy of harm.

We need to find our way together with others who share this lineage. With Weaving New Ritual, we are here to co-create liberatory practice to support the collective in these questions.


This offering is for White people who have Christian ancestry and/or currently identify as Christian who:

  • are curious about how their religious lineage has shaped them

  • desire more ritual and spiritual practice in their life - and have curiosity about sourcing that practice from their Christian lineage and through connection to land and their more-than-human kin

  • have a political analysis that affirms the harms and violence of colonialism & acknowledges the ways our spiritual ancestors contributed to these systems of harm 

  • want more integration between their spiritual life and their political commitment

  • want to experiment, play, co-create new ritual practice in a collective - and are willing to wonder and fail together

  • desire to practice being in and with your body more, to integrate embodiment practice with ritual/spiritual practice


Christianity has long been complicit in the propagation and violence of colonialism and White-supremacy. To uphold these oppressive structures, the descendants of White settler colonial Christians have become more disembodied in ritual and spiritual practice, ruptured their relationship to the earth, and severed ancestral relationships.  

This project gathers people who want to pursue a more rigorous relationship with their Christian lineage, to discern the blessings and burdens of it, and to cultivate repair from these historical and present day harms.

For one year we will study and practice together at these intersections, in person and virtually. Using the wheel of the year as our guide, we will explore embodiment, Christian and land-based ritual, the impact of Christianity on a colonized land, and how we tell stories (including scripture & theology). We will learn more about how colonialism and capitalism have shaped our spiritual lineage. We will study through collective praxis as we weave new ritual: learning, experimenting, praying and failing together, for the sake of standing in deeper solidarity with the communities most impacted by colonialism.


How are we preparing ourselves to independently and collectively experience change?

We live in a time of polycrisis: climate change, growing fascism globally, late-stage capitalism, pandemics, increasing militarism and threat of global war.

The pace of these crises is increasing, in part, because Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism are feeding them. It feels ever more vital to be with our lineage more as the descendants of White Christian people.

To study this lineage and compost the parts that need composting.

To practice and pray together as we bring forward the resiliency of our people and our ancestral spiritual traditions for the sake of our collective liberation.

The blessings of our lines are right here, waiting for us to greet them.

Learn more and register here!

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Here Together: A Queer Healing Retreat on Land - 2nd Annual!
to Jul 28

Here Together: A Queer Healing Retreat on Land - 2nd Annual!

Details and registration here.

Dear queer and trans community,

Can you feel your feet on the ground right now? Your seat in the chair? Your breath touching the back of your own throat? You are here and alive right now, and I am so grateful for you. You just being is a gift to the universe.

And I know it doesn’t feel that way all the time. Where I live in Indiana (along with many states), trans youth just lost safe access to gender affirming care. We are surviving so much right now, at all the intersections of our identities. 

More than ever, it’s time to be together in queer* community, connecting to land and our non-human community, in service of our healing, nourishment, rest, resilience, aliveness, and maybe even our thriving. 

*Queer meaning the whole beautiful rainbow of the LGBTQIA+++ rainbow and beyond. You are welcome here.

Why this retreat?

Are you longing for more queer community?

Feeling isolated and alone as you face into your trauma and healing work? 

Wishing for more support and connection as you learn to tend to yourself, while also leaning into your commitments to justice, to collective liberation? 

Just plain struggling to make it under capitalism!?

If you’re feeling a yes to any of these, come join us for some slowing down and dropping in together this July 26-28, at  Cutting Root Farm and Apothecary, outside of Butler, PA (near Pittsburgh).

I hope you will leave feeling more connected to yourself, to land/nature, to some seeds of healing and simple tools to keep watering them, and to a deeper sense of connection and belonging to queer community and the wider web of non-human community that sustains us all.  

We have limited space. Registration will close July 19, midnight EST. 

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Free Assessments for Queer Folks
to Jun 30

Free Assessments for Queer Folks

In Support of Queer Thriving

Are you feeling the impacts of increased homophobia, and the toll this takes on your mental health and overall wellbeing?

Are you feeling the chronic and persistent stress of showing up in a family, a workplace, a world that doesn’t celebrate or even understand the fullness of who you are?

Are you looking to feel just a little more resourced, a little more supported, a little more connected to yourself and others and a little more able to move through your healing, or just your day to day life?

If any of this resonates for you, you’re in the right place!

I’m offering 15 free assessments through the month of June to support queer folks in getting the support they need to thrive!

These thirty minute calls will be an opportunity to:

  • reflect on where you are now

  • tune into your longings, needs and goals (aka where you’d like to be)

  • explore personalized strategies for support to move you in those directions

Learn more and sign up here!

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Nourishment for the Full Moon

Nourishment for the Full Moon

A FREE Embodiment Practice Space for Queer Community

+ Here Together Retreat Q&A

Come join us for a sweet little embodiment practice at the full moon + time to get to know Here Together Retreat facilitator Nicole Bauman and ask your questions about the retreat!

From 7-8 PM EST on Thursday, May 23 on Zoom, Nicole will lead a simple guided embodiment practice for nourishment and resilience at the full moon, and then hold open space for retreat Q and A at the end.

Come join us and see if this retreat/Nicole’s facilitation might be a good fit for you! 

All are welcome, even if you aren’t sure you can make the retreat. 

Spend an hour in queer community, and leave with a nugget of resourcing body practice you can carry with you.

Zoom link will be emailed to registrants the week of the event. A recording will be shared with all registrants even if you can’t join live.

Please fill out this form to register.

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Navigating Conflict Intro Workshop

Navigating Conflict Intro Workshop

We are surrounded by conflict. In the world. In our countries. In our states. In our cities. In our communities. In our homes. Especially in times such as these, it is easy to feel despair and overwhelm, questioning whether there’s even a point to trying when we, as individuals, feel no real power to enact change.

When we remain in our manufactured bubbles of individualistic capitalism, consumerism, and apathy we can give up hope of moving beyond division to a life where diverse communities thrive.

So where do we start?

Close to home, in the small spaces: ourselves.

We use a sharp pin of education to poke the tiniest of holes in that surprisingly strong bubble, and we learn.

In order to grow a collective and sustained voice for change we need to grow our capacity to connect with ourselves and connect with our neighbors with more compassion and empathy.

Join us in learning how to relate to ourselves and one another with skill, care and effectiveness. Walk away from this workshop with a new set of skills and tools that are ready to be applied to our lives, as well as vocabulary to better understand our own complicity in the divisive powers that be.

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Learn how to navigate conflict through the lens of Nonviolent Communication with radical empathy as its foundation.

Please join us for this event by registering here. This event will take place at the Goshen Public Library in Goshen, IN.

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Unraveling Whiteness: Introduction to Embodied Anti-racist Practices
to May 1

Unraveling Whiteness: Introduction to Embodied Anti-racist Practices

Are you longing to deepen into your commitments to racial justice in community with other white folks?
Are you seeking to bring more embodiment to your work for racial justice?

5 Wednesday's Online

April 3, 10, 17, 24, & May 1 2024
4pm-6pm PT  // 6pm-8pm CT  // 7pm-9pm ET 

Details and Registration Here

Unraveling Whiteness is a course that invites you into conversation and learning through the body with other white folks living into racial justice commitments. 

Participants will be invited into practice around gratitude, tapping into emotions, re-inhabiting time, and leaning into our interconnectedness to the more-than-human world, as some ways to embody anti-racism. 

Pre-recorded videos on themes for each session will be fodder for the experiential exercises in each live session, including a variety of paired and small group exercises. 

Live sessions will allow for juicy intellectual, emotional, somatic and spiritual engagement with how white supremacy cultural habits show up in our lives despite our best efforts. Invitations to begin unraveling the legacies of whiteness in our family lines and considering clear, concrete actions upon leaving the course will also be woven in. 

This course invites you to explore the wisdom of your body and emotions as well as the scope of your imagination as equally important learning tools for addressing systemic racism alongside understanding terminology and an analysis of power.

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Navigating Conflict Online Intro Workshop

Navigating Conflict Online Intro Workshop

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Join me in learning how to relate with skill, compassion and effectiveness.

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. 

Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean into interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this online intro workshop we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. The session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with another participant for practice after the workshop.

Details and registration here.

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Nonviolent Compassionate Communication

Nonviolent Compassionate Communication

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Gather to learn and practice relating with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

Join us Thursday, December 7th at 5 pm at The LGBTQ Center in South Bend, IN.

Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world.

During this intro workshop we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. The session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice after the workshop (if you choose).

Seats are limited! Please RSVP here!

This workshop is sliding scale and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you're able to, please consider paying $5-20 for attending.

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Unraveling Whiteness: Following The Spiral Of The Work That Reconnects
to Nov 13

Unraveling Whiteness: Following The Spiral Of The Work That Reconnects

Details and Registration Here

5 Mondays Online
Oct. 16, 23 & 30, Nov. 6 & 13 2023
10:00am-12:00pm PT  // 12:00-2:00pm CT  // 1:00pm-3:00pm ET 

Are you longing to deepen into your commitments to racial justice in community with other white folks?
Are you seeking to bring more embodiment to your work for racial justice?

Unraveling Whiteness is a course that invites you into conversation and learning with other white folks living into racial justice commitments. Pre-recorded videos on themes for each session will be fodder for the experiential exercises in each live session. Live sessions will allow for juicy intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement with how white supremacy patterns show up in our lives despite our best efforts.

Participants will be invited into a variety of paired and small group exercises within each live session to connect with both our antiracist role models and our own complicity in perpetuating systemic racism. Invitations to begin unraveling the legacies of whiteness in our family lines and considering clear, concrete, actions upon leaving the course will also be woven in. This course invites you to explore the wisdom of your emotions and the scope of your imagination as equally important learning tools for addressing systemic racism alongside understanding terminology and an analysis of power.

The Work that Reconnects (WTR) Spiral forms the container in which the overall series is held and individual sessions are designed. WTR is a group of teachings, meditations, community exercises, and grounding practices, developed by Joanna Macy, that are built around the belief that we are all interconnected beings in the web of life.

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Conflict as Generative: Empathy as a Tool

Conflict as Generative: Empathy as a Tool

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations. The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean into interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

This intro workshop is being offered as part of AMBS’ annual Rooted and Grounded Conference. The theme this year is Pathways Through Climate Doom: Resistance and Resilience. You can find all the details and sign up for part or all of this hybrid in-person (Elkhart, IN)/virtual conference here.

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Navigating Conflict: Communication Skills for Working Together
to Nov 15

Navigating Conflict: Communication Skills for Working Together

Are you ready to dedicate some attention to a fresh approach to your working relationships?

In this 8-week workshop (Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30pm EST), we will cultivate our capacity to connect with ourselves and others and practice nonviolent communication skills that can support our working together productively, authentically, and with care, in service of our work towards collective liberation.

*Details on fees, sliding scale, and scholarship options, as well as registration, can be found here.*

When we pour ourselves into work we care about, we want to know it matters. We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. How disheartening, exhausting, and frustrating it is to see our hard work fall short as conflict slows down the momentum of our work or, worse yet, leads us to step away from collaborative efforts. 

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and scarcity to name a few) have left us without the skills we need in order to collaborate effectively and to find generativity in conflict which, on some scale, is inevitable.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection and build our capacity to relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully and authentically to our work in the world. As we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another as we work together to build the world we long for.

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Navigating Conflict Intro Workshop

Navigating Conflict Intro Workshop

Join us on Sunday, September 10, 2:30-4:30 EST, at Shakespeare Meadows Farm, Shakespeare, ON. 

Registration and details here!

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Gather to learn and practice relating with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean into interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this intro workshop we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. The session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice after the workshop (if you choose). 

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Here Together: A Queer Healing Retreat On Land

Here Together: A Queer Healing Retreat On Land

Registration and details here!

Full weekend camping available!

Dear queer and trans community.

Can you feel your feet on the ground right now? Your seat in the chair? Your breath touching the back of your own throat? You are here and alive right now, and I am so grateful for you. You just being is a gift to the universe.

And I know it doesn’t feel that way all the time. Where I live in Indiana (along with many states), trans youth could be about to lose safe access to gender affirming care. We are surviving so much right now, at all the intersections of our identities. 

More than ever, it’s time to be together in queer* community, connecting to land and our non-human community, in service of our healing, nourishment, rest, resilience, aliveness, and maybe even our thriving. 

*Queer meaning the whole beautiful rainbow of the LGBTQIA+++ rainbow and beyond. You are welcome here.

Why this retreat?

Are you longing for more queer community? (especially in the midwest/great lakes watershed!?!?) 

Feeling isolated and alone as you face into your trauma and healing work? 

Wishing for more support and connection as you learn to tend to yourself, while also leaning into your commitments to justice, to collective liberation? 

Just plain struggling to make it under capitalism!?

If you’re feeling a yes to any of these, come join us for some slowing down and dropping in together this July, at a beautiful campsite near Delton, Michigan! 

I hope you will leave feeling more connected to yourself, to land/nature, to some seeds of healing and simple tools to keep watering them, and to a deeper sense of connection and belonging to queer community and the wider web of non-human community that sustains us all.  

Find all the details and registration here and please be in touch with any questions. We have limited space. Registration will close July 7. 

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Navigating Conflict Intro Workshop

Navigating Conflict Intro Workshop

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Gather to learn and practice relating with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

Join us IN-PERSON at the Salus Center in Lansing, MI!

Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world.

During this intro workshop we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. The session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice after the workshop (if you choose).

Seats are limited! Learn more and RSVP at:

This workshop is sliding scale and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you're able to, please consider paying $5-20 for attending.

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Navigating Conflict Alumni Mixer

Navigating Conflict Alumni Mixer

We’ve been looking for opportunities for past participants in our online Nonviolent Communication workshops to gather in person to build connections and deepen their conflict resilience practices. To that end, we are inviting all alumni to our first Navigating Conflict Mixer in person at the Good Work Institute in Kingston, NY! 

This event is designed to be a social gathering with a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) practice and refresher built in. Nicole Bauman will be present to facilitate, so this is also a rare chance to connect with them in person!  

This offering is intended for anyone who has participated in any of our Nonviolent Communication  workshop series. If there are one or two people who you think would resonate with this work, we encourage you to invite them to join you. We also welcome those who have worked or have considered working with Nicole, or have an interest in taking a future Navigating Conflict class. 

Refreshments will be served.

Learn more.


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Unravelling Whiteness: Following The Spiral Of The Work That Reconnects
to Mar 21

Unravelling Whiteness: Following The Spiral Of The Work That Reconnects

Registration and pricing (sliding scale!) info available here.

5 Tuesdays
1:30pm - 3:30pm PST // 3:30pm - 5:30pm CST //4:30pm - 6:30pm EST
Feb. 21st, 28th, March 7, 14, 21 2023

Unraveling Whiteness is a course that invites you into conversation and learning with other white folks living into racial justice commitments and embodied antiracist identities. Pre-recorded videos on themes for each session, will be fodder for the experiential exercises in each live session. Live sessions will allow for juicy intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement with how white supremacy patterns show up in our lives despite our best efforts.

Participants will be invited into a variety of paired and small group exercises within each live session to connect with both our antiracist role models and our own complicity in perpetuating systemic racism. Invitations to begin unraveling the legacies of whiteness in our family lines and considering clear, concrete, actions upon leaving the course will also be woven in. This course invites you to explore the wisdom of your emotions and the scope of your imagination as equally important learning tools for addressing systemic racism alongside understanding terminology and analysis of power.

The Work that Reconnects (WTR) Spiral forms the container in which the overall series is held and individual sessions are designed. WTR is a group of teachings, meditations, community exercises, and grounding practices, developed by Joanna Macy, that are built around the belief that we are interconnected beings in the web of life.

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Navigating Conflict: Communication Skills for Working Together
to Mar 22

Navigating Conflict: Communication Skills for Working Together

At the start of a New Year, dedicate some attention to a fresh approach to your working relationships! In this 7-week workshop (Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30 EST, starting February 8, 2023), we will cultivate our capacity to connect with ourselves and others and practice nonviolent communication skills that can support our working together productively, authentically, and with care, in service of our work towards collective liberation. Register here!


*Details on fees, sliding scale, and scholarship options can be found below.*

When we pour ourselves into work we care about, we want to know it matters. We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. How disheartening, exhausting, and frustrating it is to see our hard work fall short as conflict slows down the momentum of our work or, worse yet, leads us to step away from collaborative efforts. 

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and scarcity to name a few) have left us without the skills we need in order to collaborate effectively and to find generativity in conflict which, on some scale, is inevitable.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection and build our capacity to relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully and authentically to our work in the world. As we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another as we work together to build the world we long for.

During this 7-week, online workshop, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your work and life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with another participant for practice in between sessions. Because a shared experience with colleagues can make it easier to bring this language and these skills into your working relationships, we encourage you to sign up with one or more of the people you work with! This course will support you, and the colleagues and collaborators who join you, to:

  • Understand empathy: what is it and why does it matter in working relationships? How can I listen with empathy and compassion, with others and with myself?

  • Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice

  • Grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you

  • Develop an awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language – including “feelings” and “needs” – and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works

  • Prepare for difficult conversations, and have more tools for “clean up” afterwards

  • Foster connection while maintaining personal authenticity

  • Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination

  • Develop an empathetic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration

This workshop is not meant to be a forum for working through active conflicts with one another, but rather a place to be supported in cultivating the skills that will help us to engage more effectively with conflict in our working relationships.


This offering will be facilitated by Nicole Bauman with the support of GWI workers.

Nicole Bauman (they/them) is a midwest-based queer parent steeped in the sacred work of facilitation, transformative justice, somatics and Nonviolent Communication. They see building conflict resiliency as an essential part of living into the world to come and are passionate about creating space where personal and collective liberation feel possible. As the descendant of white Western European peasant farmers who carried their trauma with them to the Americas, Nicole is committed to centering racial justice and ancestral healing in their work. Nicole’s background in farming, yoga, doula work and natural building grounds their work in connection to the earth and the body. Nicole is an ICF-certified Professional and Community Healing-Centered Coach and a student of Somatics with the Strozzi Institute and in the lineage of generative somatics. Nicole finds rootedness in growing food, daily walks to the river, sewing ancestral quilts and through being a part of the Prairie Wolf Collective co-housing community in the Rust Belt city of Elkhart, Indiana (occupied Potawatomi territory). You can learn more about Nicole’s work at


We plan to close registration by or before January 9th, and are reserving spots for people identifying as BIPOC through that date. Register early to save your spot!


 Your registration fee covers online workshop facilitation and materials. 

Amount requested: $245 

The registration fee reflects discounts made possible by the generous support of our donors. The full cost of the workshop is $315.

Sliding scale: $175 - $315

If your current access to financial resources is limited, please consider paying less than the registration fee. If your current access to financial resources is ample, please consider paying more toward the full cost of the workshop and helping underwrite costs for fellow participants. 


If the low end of the sliding scale is still out of reach, we have a limited number of scholarships available. Apply here or email if you would like to speak to someone first. 


We welcome donations to help provide discounts and scholarships for Good Work Institute programs. Email if you would like more information before considering a donation.

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LGBTQIA+ Affinity Room at WFAN

LGBTQIA+ Affinity Room at WFAN

Consider joining me at WFAN’s (Women, Food and Agriculture Network) 2022 Conference, “Seeding Community: Revolutionary Healing through Cooperative Models.”

You can register here for this virtual event.

I’ll be facilitating the LGBTQIA+ Affinity Room. Here’s what they have to say about it:

Our rooms are dedicated spaces for reflection, vulnerability, bravery, and community with trained and skilled facilitators to hold safety as paramount. We recognize that it can be challenging to find time, space, and opportunity to connect with folks with whom you may share intersectional interests and identities. We hope these rooms provide folks with a starting point for future collaboration, an ongoing discussion, and an opportunity to engage in a space inclusive to the identities of the listed affinity rooms where folks do not need or feel they need to conform.

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Navigating Conflict Intro: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience

Navigating Conflict Intro: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Gather to learn and practice relating with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

Come Learn and Practice the Foundations of Nonviolent Communication in a beautiful rural outdoor setting at the Center for Belonging Folk School in Decorah Iowa.

Reserve your spot by Aug 28.

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean in to interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this weekend workshop, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. The session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice beyond the course (if you choose). This course will support you to:

  • Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination

  • Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice and grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you

  • Grow your awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language including “feelings” and “needs”, and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works

  • Develop an empathic listening practice with a buddy following the workshop as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration

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Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience
to May 17

Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Spend 7 weeks learning how to relate with skill, compassion and effectiveness.

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean into interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this 7-week, online course, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with another participant for practice in between sessions. This course will support you to:

- Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination
- Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice and grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you
- Grow your awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language – including “feelings” and “needs” – and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works
- Develop an empathetic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration


This offering will be facilitated by Nicole Bauman with the support of GWI workers.

Nicole Bauman (they/them) is a midwest-based queer parent steeped in the sacred work of facilitation, transformative justice, somatics and Nonviolent Communication. They see building conflict resiliency as an essential part of living into the world to come, and are passionate about creating space where personal and collective liberation feel possible. As the descendant of white Western European peasant farmers who carried their trauma with them to the Americas, Nicole is committed to centering racial justice and ancestral healing in their work. Nicole’s background in farming, yoga, doula work and natural building grounds their work in connection to the earth and the body. Nicole is an ICF-certified Professional and Community Healing-Centered Coach and a student of Somatics with the Strozzi Institute and in the lineage of generative somatics. Nicole finds rootedness in growing food, daily walks to the river, sewing ancestral quilts and through being a part of the Prairie Wolf Collective co-housing community in the Rust Belt city of Elkhart, Indiana (occupied Potawatomi territory). You can learn more about Nicole’s work at

We plan to close registration by or before March 15th, and are reserving spots for people identifying as BIPOC through that date. Register early to save your spot!

For more info and to register, go to:

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Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience
to Nov 3

Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Spend 7 weeks learning how to relate with skill, compassion and effectiveness.

*Note: There are sliding scale and scholarship options, details below.*

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean into interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this 7-week, online course, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with another participant for practice in between sessions. This course will support you to:

  • Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination

  • Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice and grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you

  • Grow your awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language - including “feelings” and “needs” - and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works

  • Develop an empathetic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration


Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 PM EST, from September 22 to November 23


This offering will be facilitated by Nicole Bauman with the support of GWI workers

Nicole Bauman (they/she) is a midwest-based queer parent steeped in the sacred work of facilitation, transformative justice, somatics and Nonviolent Communication. They see building conflict resiliency as an essential part of living into the world to come, and are passionate about creating space where personal and collective liberation feel possible. As the descendant of white Western European peasant farmers who carried their trauma with them to the Americas, Nicole is committed to centering racial justice and ancestral healing in their work. Nicole’s background in farming, yoga, doula work and natural building grounds their work in connection to the earth and the body. Nicole is an ICF-certified Professional and Community Healing-Centered Coach and a student of Somatics with the Strozzi Institute and in the lineage of generative somatics. Nicole finds rootedness in growing food, daily walks to the river, sewing ancestral quilts and through being a part of the Prairie Wolf Collective co-housing community in the Rust Belt city of Elkhart, Indiana (occupied Potawatomi territory). You can learn more about Nicole’s work at


Please register here.


We are opening registration to the first 20 participants and closing it by or before September 15th. Register early to save your spot! Spots are reserved for people identifying as BIPOC.


Your registration fee covers online workshop facilitation and materials.

  • Amount requested: $210 The registration fee reflects discounts made possible by the generous support of our donors. The full cost of the workshop is $300.

  • Sliding scale: $120 - $300 If your current access to financial resources is limited, please consider paying less than the registration fee. If your current access to financial resources is ample, please consider paying more toward the full cost of the workshop and helping underwrite costs for fellow participants.

  • Scholarships: If the low end of the sliding scale is still out of reach, we have a limited number of scholarships available. Apply here or email Micah ( if you would like to speak to someone first.

  • Donations: We welcome donations to help underwrite the cost of offering free programs. Please email Hélène Lesterlin ( if you would like more information before considering a donation.

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Therapeutic Tools for Transition: Inner Work and Classroom Strategies for Connection

Therapeutic Tools for Transition: Inner Work and Classroom Strategies for Connection

Please join us for this year's final session the Equity Centered Pedagogy Virtual Working Group.

2021 has been a year of tumult and transition for many of us: whether shifting between in-person and virtual instruction, processing the pandemic in our own lives and those of our students, or navigating conversations around racial injustice and anti-racism work, teachers in our field have encountered transitions and traumas that have left many of us feeling depleted. This session will focus on developing therapeutic tools for teachers during this time of transition.

We welcome special guest Nicole Bauman! Nicole is a Midwest-based queer parent steeped in the sacred work of facilitation, transformative justice, somatics, and Nonviolent Communication. They see building conflict resiliency as an essential part of living into the world to come, and are passionate about creating space where personal and collective liberation feel possible. Nicole is an ICF-certified Professional and Community Healing-Centered Coach and a student of Somatics with the Strozzi Institute and in the lineage of generative somatics.

Nicole will help us learn to build tools to help us cultivate own mental help and stay grounded in order to bring our best selves to our teaching practice.

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to May 2

Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience Intro Workshop Series

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness. Gather to learn and practice relating with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

Come learn and practice the foundations of Nonviolent Communication in a beautiful rural outdoor setting.

COVID precautions/social-distancing will be observed.

Come for one, two, or three sessions, with Friday night, April 30th, 6:30-8:30 CST as a prerequisite to either of the Sunday May 2nd sessions (10:00-noon and 1:00-3:00 CST).

**COST: $10-$40 sliding scale per session.**

PLEASE REGISTER and reserve your Friday night spot here by April 25:

Upon registration for Friday night, you will receive info to sign-up for the additional sessions if you wish.

About the Workshop Series:

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean in to interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection, build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this weekend workshop series that offers 2, 4, or 6 hours of learning, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice in between sessions and beyond the course (if you choose). This course will support you to:

Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination

Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice and grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you

Grow your awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language including “feelings” and “needs”, and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works

Develop an empathic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration

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to Apr 14

Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness! Spend 7 weeks to get the support needed to collaborate with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean in to interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection,build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this 7-week, online course, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice in between sessions. This course will support you to:

- Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination
- Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice and grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you
- Grow your awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language including “feelings” and “needs”, and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works
- Develop an empathic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration

For more info and to register, go to:

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to Aug 19

Navigating Conflict: Building Skills for Connection and Resilience

More than ever, the world needs your aliveness! Spend 7 weeks to get the support needed to collaborate with energy, skill, and effectiveness.

We want to know that our collective efforts to bring about needed changes and work toward Just Transition will be fruitful. When we pour ourselves into the things we care about, we want to know it matters. Especially in times such as these, how exhausting to see our hard work melt away as conflict slows down, stalls out, or, worse yet, dissolves our collaborations.

The legacies of a domination paradigm (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, to name a few) have left us without the skills we need to lean in to interdependence. This makes it incredibly hard to collaborate effectively. It makes it harder still to find generativity in conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Nonviolent or “Compassionate” Communication (NVC) offers us a toolkit to deepen our own embodied self-connection,build our capacity to reach out for support, and relate to ourselves and one another with empathy so that we can show up more fully to our work in the world. And as we begin to unpack the way that domination culture has shaped our very language, we can learn new/old ways of communicating that bring us more deeply into alignment with our values, our purpose, and into connection with one another.

During this 6-week, online course, we will explore practical strategies for undoing domination in ourselves, our communication, our relationships, and our collaborations. Each two-hour session will include interactive content and practices to engage with real-time examples from your life. You will have the opportunity to be paired up with a buddy for practice in between sessions. This course will support you to:

- Identify patterns of domination culture and develop a needs-based orientation that can enable you to undo domination
- Explore NVC as an embodied mindfulness practice and grow your capacity to tune into body sensations as valuable feedback from your nervous system pointing you towards what matters to you
- Grow your awareness of and vocabulary for resonant language including “feelings” and “needs”, and your understanding of the brain science behind why this kind of language works
- Develop an empathic listening practice with a buddy between sessions as a foundational tool for resourcing yourself to show up better in conflict and collaboration

For more info and to register, go to:

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<a href="">Skills for Communicating in Quarantine</a>

Skills for Communicating in Quarantine

Are you cooped up at home with your partner, housemates, family or all by yourself? Do you find yourself dreading weeks of isolation, fear, confusion, and loneliness? Are you feeling hopeless about being in such close proximity?

Join us for a free 90-minute webinar from Amanda, Josh, and Nicole of "Getting the Support You Need" to learn some simple but powerful strategies for keeping you connected and grounded in these times of “social distancing.”

Just because you can’t gather in-person doesn’t mean you have to feel isolated and alone. And just because you're cooped up with the same people doesn't mean you have to settle for constant conflict and tension. We want to help you connect to your innate capacity for resilience and identify some ways to strengthen your ability to access support.

We’ll guide you through a few simple exercises, hold space for some collective mourning, and offer some wisdom from the work we’ve been doing around building virtual community for years now. There will also be singing, movement, reflection, small group time, and sharing of additional resources.

Registration is required. The webinar is free if you attend live and a recording of the webinar will be available to non-attendees for purchase.


"I have deeply appreciated how you collaborate and work together and support each other in facilitation. It speaks volumes to me about how to radically and wholly share space and power with each other."

"I really appreciate the way you facilitate connection among class members. Also how your co-facilitation models connection."

Amanda Blaine is a white, cisgendered, straight, double-Ivy-League-educated, middle class, Jewish woman. And she’s hellbent on using every ounce of her privilege to leverage change. She wants to support you to learn the skills that make the difference between “heartbreaking waste of time” and “heart-opening, get-lots-of-important-shit-done-together collaboration.” She makes her home on Vashon Island, occupied Puyallup land near Seattle, Washington.”

Nicole Bauman is a white, middle class, queer, genderqueer, farmer, healer, facilitator, movement builder and parent, rooted in community and organizing in the Rust Belt city of Elkhart, IN (occupied Potawatomi territory). Nonviolent Communication has been an empowering tool for Nicole's own personal healing and transformation, and has also increased her capacity to show up more skillfully to communication, conflict and collaboration interpersonally and within the movement. Nicole’s embodiment and teaching of this work is deeply shaped and informed by her own parenting journey, as well as years of work as a birth doula and yoga teacher, and a decade of living in an intentional community.

Josh Blaine is a community song leader and organizer based out of Austin, TX (occupied Numunu and Tikan'watic territory) who's found that unlearning his patterns of white and male supremacy is best done in community. Since the Fall of 2017, he's been organizing other men who are committed to undoing male domination patterns by leveraging the tools of nonviolent communication as a backbone of the work.

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Getting the Support You Need to Thrive in 2020

Getting the Support You Need to Thrive in 2020

Are you ready for 2020? Given the most recent timelines regarding climate chaos, 2020 marks the beginning of what might be the most important decade of our lifetime. With the stakes so high, we’re each being called into our highest purpose. In this “all hands on deck moment,” many of us need to (re)learn how to lean on one another and practice robust collaboration and cooperation. Do you have the support you need to thrive in these uncertain times?

The legacies of domination cultures - patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalism to name a few - have kept most of us separated from aligning to our deepest truth and calling. As a result, many of us are not equipped with the tools to connect to our inner wisdom, nor are we self-connected enough to collaborate in a way that reflects our deepest values. So even when we make a step towards beloved community - when we step outside the mainstream paradigm of "every person for themselves" - we find that it's a monumentally difficult task.

Undoing domination communication, as we see and teach it, is the process of relearning how to be in relationship, how to have both the autonomy and interdependence we need to reach our unique creative potential and align with our highest purpose in this time of global crisis. Language is a primary way we engage in relationship, so we focus on language as a way to transform our inner (spiritual/emotional) and outer (social/collaborative) lives. We believe that this work of relearning patterns of language and communication is essential to the work of bringing about what Joanna Macy calls, "The Great Turning."

"This class has been a revelation. I have encountered certain of my habits of mind and expression that I now see as blocks to authentic communication. But in the challenge of facing them, I am learning to give myself empathy, while learning a lot about empathizing with others. This has been a glimpse of a post dominance world, a palpable experience of a new paradigm. I want to continue!"
-Sarah C.

"This course has been a weekly reminder that the world can be full of abundance and love when we choose to see each other tenderly and look at each other without the lens the domination culture that surrounds us. I have felt held and supported to care for myself and others in a way that I want to share in every space I work in, but that is difficult to do without support."
-Helen C.

"This course is an open door to a lifelong opportunity for personal growth and connection with myself and others. It has positively impacted my life and these tools will be used for a lifetime. It's an invaluable course that everyone will benefit from."
-Rachel R.

This workshop is a total of 16 hours of live, interactive small group instruction and guidance spread across eight Wednesday evening sessions beginning Wednesday, January 15 and concluding Wednesday, March 4. This is NOT a prerecorded or self-paced course, though recordings of the sessions will be available to participants after each session.

Classes will meet on ZOOM, an online video platform, from 7pm - 9pm CST.

This series is highly interactive and experiential. There will be ample opportunities to apply and practice these tools as we learn them.

While this workshop will be grounded in the practice and principles of Nonviolent Communication, it will be supported by an understanding of interpersonal neurobiology, a growing area of study that's adding to our knowledge of how humans thrive. Nonviolent communication is a practical and accessible way to apply these new findings - that humans thrive in relationships with warmth, resonance, and attunement.

8 Wednesday evenings, 7pm - 9pm CST.
First Session: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Final Session: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Sliding Scale "Pay from the Heart:" $360 ($45/class) - $144 ($18/class) for the 8-class series. Contributions over $200 meet our minimum financial needs to sustain this work. We request that contributions below $200 be reserved for those for whom food and/or shelter would be compromised. Comparable offerings run in the range of $300-$450.

We know that determining how much to contribute can be tricky for so many of us living in a "traumatizing and traumatized" economy (Mark Silver). We ask that you sit with the idea of "getting the support you need to thrive in 2020" and first decide if you'd like to join us. Then, once you've decided, check in with your body/heart to find an amount to contribute that feels both generous and within your means.

If cost is a barrier to participation, please reach out to us directly at

Registration is required and space is limited!

We are a group of white-identifying facilitators committed to undoing white supremacy internally and systemically, and specifically in our facilitation of this class. That said, we acknowledge that an all-white facilitation team will in itself mean that some People of Color will not have the sense of ease and trust needed to participate. We are mourning this, and holding the dilemma of dismantling white supremacy while still being embedded in the legacy of white supremacy. Having said that, we welcome people of all racial identities.

Amanda Blaine is a white, cisgendered, straight, double-Ivy-League-educated, middle class, Jewish woman. And she’s hellbent on using every ounce of her privilege to leverage change. She wants to support you to learn the skills that make the difference between “heartbreaking waste of time” and “heart-opening, get-lots-of-important-shit-done-together collaboration.” She makes her home on Vashon Island, occupied Puyallup land near Seattle, Washington.”

Nicole Bauman is a white, middle class, queer, genderqueer, farmer, healer, movement builder and parent, rooted in community and organizing in the Rust Belt city of Elkhart, IN, on occupied Potawatomi territory. Nonviolent Communication has been an empowering tool for Nicole's own personal healing and transformation, and has also increased her capacity to show up more skillfully to communication, conflict and collaboration interpersonally and within the movement. Nicole is excited to share all of this with you!

Josh Blaine is a community song leader and organizer based out of Austin, TX (occupied Numunu and Tikan'watic territory) who's found that unlearning his patterns of white and male supremacy is best done in community. Since the Fall of 2017, he's been organizing other men who are committed to undoing male domination patterns by leveraging the tools of nonviolent communication as a backbone of the work.

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Empowered Communication: An Introductory Workshop

Do you feel stuck in conflicts that don't change?
Do you long for more effective collaboration?
Do you want more connection and less frustration in your relationships?

Join Nicole Bauman for an introductory workshop!

Build skills to connect more compassionately with yourself and others.
Grow your capacity for empathy and understanding across difference.
Learn practical skills to improve communication and effectiveness.

Sliding scale $10-$35.

Call or text 574-312-9261 or email to RSVP.

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