Working with me, conflict can be an opportunity for growth and healing, instead of something you want to run from.

Most of us have been given very little when it comes to skills for navigating conflict and communication.

Our social structures' emphasis on productivity can make it impossible to slow down and hear each other’s experiences. Spaciousness is a critical element for creating enough safety and belonging to move through conflict.

With space, it’s less likely that we’ll keep activating each other, and we can begin to untangle the threads of conflict in a more generative, healing, and trust-building way.

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To get there, we follow these 5 principles.

Acknowledge feelings

Conflict needs warm, empathic presence to unwind. So often we are stuck in judging or blaming ourselves and others. Shifting to a lens that acknowledges the feelings at play can deepen everyone’s sense of safety and belonging.

Identify underlying needs

When we focus on underlying needs, and move away from strategies (which is where conflict often gets stuck), more compassion, clarity and creativity can emerge.

Call in support

Once we’ve assessed needs, we can call in support to help us move through the stuck places we weren’t able to navigate on our own, individually and/or collectively.

Build awareness of power and privilege

By building awareness around the ways that systems of power and privilege play out, we can get to the heart of a conflict.

Know that we all have the capacity to learn these skills

We all have untapped potential when it comes to navigating conflict! When we grow our toolkits and deepen our personal healing we can show up with more capacity.

Ready to take the next step towards getting the support you need?

“With presence and practiced skill, Nicole embodies the promise that conflict can be generative.” 

— Susan Grove, Good Work Institute