Free Assessments For Queer Folks:

In Support of Queer Thriving

Are you feeling the impacts of increased homophobia, and the toll this takes on your mental health and overall wellbeing?

Are you feeling the chronic and persistent stress of showing up in a family, a workplace, a world that doesn’t celebrate or even understand the fullness of who you are?

Are you looking to feel just a little more resourced, a little more supported, a little more connected to yourself and others and a little more able to move through your healing, or just your day to day life?

If any of this resonates for you, you’re in the right place!


I’m offering 15 free assessments through the month of June to support queer folks in getting the support they need to thrive!


These thirty minute calls will be an opportunity to:

  • reflect on where you are now

  • tune into your longings, needs and goals (aka where you’d like to be)

  • explore personalized strategies for support to move you in those directions

The world needs your aliveness!

I want you to have practical tools and skills to grow your resilience and self-care.

I hope you’ll leave the assessment feeling a little more clear about where you are, what you are needing, and how you might get there.

Are you ready to sign up for a free assessment to support your thriving?

We know that queer folks are facing massive attacks on our rights, safety and humanity, especially in certain states (including Indiana, where I live).

Already we have more than twice the rate of mental health crises than that of straight folks. We don’t want this to continue to get worse!

How else are we supporting the healing and wholeness of queer folks?

Here are some links and resources to support you and your communities.

Or, considering joining us for Here Together: A Queer Healing Retreat on Land

And here’s a sweet little journaling guide you could use to offer yourself some compassion and empathy right now.

And, of course, please share this offer with other queer folks in your life!

“Nicole is a skillful space holder. They listen deeply, which includes, at times, hearing what’s not being said. They provide space for what emerges, not forcing the experience to fit into a neat box.”

— Susan Grove, Good Work Institute

Still have more questions? I’d love to hear from you!

“I have new tools and resources to navigate all of my relationships - from those that are personal to those that are professional.”

— Kristen Thorne, Radio Kingston

Meet Nicole

I bring all of who I am to coaching, and weave together various modalities to serve you and your purpose. My background as a farmer, birth doula, yoga teacher, natural builder, somatics practitioner, and queer parent means I bring a radical approach to Healing-Centered Coaching that is grounded in connection to the earth and the body and rooted in my own commitment to supporting folx to find their unique contribution to collective liberation.

“When we started working together, I described myself as a cerebral person who’s disconnected from my body. Now I talk about this period of my life as before working with Nicole and after.”

— Dayna Burtness Nguyen, coaching client, Nettle Valley Farm


So how does all of this really work?!

What happens in an assessment:

These thirty minute Zoom calls will be an opportunity to connect to your personal experience of all of this, to tune into your longings, needs and goals, and explore personalized strategies for support to move you in those directions.

Total transparency - I would love to work with you 1:1 in my Healing Centered Coaching Practice if it’s a fit, but I won’t be able to take on everyone I offer assessments to as clients.

So, I’m excited to be able to connect you to the supports you really need - whether that’s working with me, or referring you to other excellent practitioners, resources or support systems.

The assessment is also an opportunity to explore if the Here Together Retreat may be a fit!

Preparing For Your Session:

Assessments occur via Zoom. If you’d like to explore in-person sessions, please be in touch. 

I invite clients to find a quiet, private, comfortable place for sessions that is conducive for healing.

Please also be sure to download Zoom (the video conferencing platform we will use for virtual sessions) and take some time to familiarize yourself with the program if it is new to you.

Are you ready to sign up for a free assessment to support your thriving?

I look forward to hearing from you, and wish you well on your healing journey. 

I want to see you thrive.

Towards queer joy and collective liberation for all!

“I felt I came home to myself when working on my marketing goals with Nicole. I came in knowing certain uncomfortable tasks I had to accomplish, and left with a full-bodied connection to my marketing plan. I found Nicole a gifted coach, creating a safe space for me to explore my goals and blocks, envision what I want, and move effectively to this vision. I highly recommend Nicole!”

— Sue Klassen, coaching client