
Are conflict and overwhelm getting in the way of
your deep commitment to justice work?

Do you find yourself getting derailed, stressed and stuck when your own patterns get activated, keeping you from bringing your full contribution to the change you long for?


If you are a changemaker committed to personal and collective liberation but struggling with overwhelm and conflict, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m here to support you to be more effective and resourced in your work towards transformation.


You’re all too aware of how your own trauma gets in the way of your thriving.

And you already know old patterns can keep you from showing up as your most resilient self - interpersonally, at work, and in community spaces.

  • Maybe you’ve tried various healing modalities, but haven’t had enough individualized support to integrate your personal growth in service of your purpose.

  • Perhaps you’ve tried coaching but without an awareness of trauma or systemic dynamics, and found that traditional goal-oriented coaching can reinscribe harmful urgency. 

  • Maybe you’ve been trying to support others to show up differently. Hoping this will shift places of tension, instead you’re feeling exhausted as you wait for others to actually be ready to change.

  • Perhaps you’ve invited others to the table but they aren’t willing to join a conflict process, so you’re left with working with yourself.

And if you don’t see yourself here, that’s ok! The beauty and power of one-on-one work is that we get to focus on whatever you are needing. So let’s talk!

I hate to break it to you, but we can’t change anyone else.

Where we can bring transformation is in how WE show up to these people and situations in our lives.

Even if your partner, friend, colleague, or group is not willing to step into a process, YOU can still find relief, healing, and support.

Your transformation will inevitably shift the dynamic and create space for something different to unfold.

“I have new tools and resources to navigate all of my relationships - from those that are personal to those that are professional.”

— Kristen Thorne, Radio Kingston

Is it time for you to call in support so you can step deeper into your own healing and transformation, in service of your commitment to collective liberation?

By bringing a trauma-informed, healing-centered approach, along with an awareness of power and oppression, we can actually begin to tend to what’s at the root.

In traditional coaching, the body is often forgotten.

Through body-based awareness and movement practices, and the latest wisdom from neuroscience, we can actually begin to repattern our brains and make more space to embody the transformation we long for.

“When we started working together, I described myself as a cerebral person who’s disconnected from my body. Now I talk about this period of my life as before working with Nicole and after.”

— Dayna Burtness Nguyen, coaching client, Nettle Valley Farm

If you’re ready to take the plunge, here are some of the benefits of coaching you can look forward to:

  • Acquiring tools and skills to use throughout your day to help you pause, ground, and re-align with your purpose, professionally and personally

  • Clarity around your priorities and capacity, so you can move with more flow and empowerment towards your goals

  • Growing awareness of limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, and support to live into more generative narratives about yourself and the world

  • A settled nervous system under a wider range of intense circumstances and emotions

  • Giving and receiving fierce feedback with care

  • Growing your toolkit of conflict and communication skills

  • Gaining insight into live conflict, assessing and identifying your personal role, and growing tools and capacity to shape the conflict from within towards more generative directions

And I’ll integrate practices you can carry with you outside of the coaching sessions like:

  • Movement

  • Yoga

  • Breath work

  • Energy work

  • Visualization

  • Meditation

  • Ritual

  • Intention-setting

  • And a variety of skills and practices for more generative conflict and communication


“Nicole is a skillful space holder. They listen deeply, which includes, at times, hearing what’s not being said. They provide space for what emerges, not forcing the experience to fit into a neat box.”

— Susan Grove, Good Work Institute

Are you ready to explore how this coaching relationship could support your thriving and commitment to justice work?

Meet Your Coach

I bring all of who I am to coaching, and weave together various modalities to serve you and your purpose. My background as a farmer, birth doula, yoga teacher, natural builder, somatics practitioner, and queer parent means I bring a radical approach to Coaching that is grounded in connection to the earth and the body and rooted in my own commitment to supporting folx to find their unique contribution to collective liberation.

So how does all of this really work?!

Structure of Working Together:

I request that clients commit to working with me for a minimum of 6 sessions of 55 minutes each, on a weekly or biweekly basis, as this gives us enough time to start to see real change and transformation.

I request that when a client is ready to close our work together, that we have a final session to review and reflect together on our coaching relationship, client learnings, and any client next steps.


I ask clients to assess your payment amount depending on your financial access, and in tuning into your own heart. 

As you consider what to pay, please take into account your own income, any safety nets (via partnership, family, etc) that you have access to, your debt and caregiving responsibilities, and any other factors that impact your financial access. I encourage you to choose an amount that is centered - not an over extension and at the same time a bit of a stretch.  I am here to support you navigating this if you would like and I encourage any questions you have. Here’s a handy graphic to support you connecting to what a centered rate is for you. Please read before choosing your rate!

My requested or “full price” rate, the amount that sustains me, is $150 USD an hour.

My minimum or “sliding scale” rate is $95 USD an hour. 

For those with greater financial access, I invite you to use a solidarity or “benefactor” rate of $200 USD per session, which allows me to offer a greater number of reduced-rate and pro bono sessions.

I offer a limited number of reduced-rate and pro bono sessions, prioritizing queer and BIPOC clients. Please reach out if you would like to be placed on the waiting list.

I accept payment via cash, check (to Nicole Bauman, LLC) or Paypal ( Payment is due within 24 hours of the end of each session. Please prorate your hourly rate if you are doing 75 or 90 minutes sessions.

**These are individual prices. Please contact Nicole for organizational rates.**

Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel or reschedule a session without 24 hours notice, you are responsible for the full session fee.


I do my best to honor your confidentiality. I will not share any information about you, even that we are working together, unless you were to tell me about a child who was in danger, or if you disclosed to me that you or someone else is in imminent danger of harming yourself or another. In these situations, I would try to inform you before sharing information. I do receive support from experienced coaching mentors, however I will never reveal your name or identifying characteristics.  

Coaching is not therapy, nor a replacement for it, but can be very complimentary to therapy. Please seek appropriate support if you are in need of a mental health professional.

Preparing For Your Session:

Coaching sessions occur via Zoom. If you’d like to explore in-person sessions, please be in touch. 

I invite clients to find a quiet, private, comfortable place for sessions that is conducive for healing.

Please also be sure to download Zoom (the video conferencing platform we will use for virtual sessions) and take some time to familiarize yourself with the program if it is new to you.

Are you ready to commit to your own thriving?

Schedule a free discovery call here to ask any remaining questions, and see if working with me might be a good fit for you.

I look forward to hearing from you, and wish you well on your healing journey. 

I want to see you thrive.