Choosing Empathy

Why self-empathy? 

Empathy is the practice of welcoming the full range of human experience and expression  with non-judgement, curiosity and kindness. When we experience conflict, so often we  get stuck in judging or blaming ourselves and others. This can leave us feeling powerless,  disconnected and defensive.  

Empathy offers another way through conflict that opens possibilities for more connection  and compassion - with ourselves, and from there, potentially with others.  

Conflict needs a warm, compassionate presence to unwind. You can offer this presence to  yourself with some simple practice. By centering needs, values, and our common humanity,  empathy supports our own healing, and can make relational repair more possible.  

Can conflict actually become generative? When we practice empathy, it is more possible.  

I’ve created Choosing Empathy: A Journaling Guide (click the link to download the file) to support you in building this practice. I hope the practice serves you and is something you can return to and share.

What do you learn and notice through this practice? I’d love to hear.


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